Amelia's Notebook

Amelia’s Notebook

The hand-lettered contents of a nine-year-old girl’s notebook, in which she records her thoughts and feelings about moving, starting school, and dealing with her older sister, as well as keeping her old best friend and making a new one….

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Amelia Writes Again

Amelia’s sister, Cleo, gives her a new notebook as a tenth birthday present, and Amelia can’t wait to fill it with all her secret thoughts and drawings. But when her best friend Leah wants to read her notebook, Amelia is torn: Sometimes secrets are better when shared with friends, but other secrets are private. How can Amelia keep her friend from feeling left out while still saving some secrets for…

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Amelia’s Are-We-There-Yet Longest Ever Car Trip

When Amelia and her big sister, Cleo, are stuck together in the backseat of a car for a family road trip, there are fights, plenty of sights, and Amelia’s best friend, Nadia, at the end of the road!…

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Amelia’s Bully Survival Guide

As if science class isn’t enough to deal with — now Amelia has the class bully to face. But Amelia isn’t going to let that get her down….

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The All-New Amelia

The new girl, Charisse, seems so perfect that Amelia wants to be just like her. Can Amelia’s friends help Amelia realize that she is perfect just as she is?…

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Amelia’s Boredom Survival Guide: First Aid for Rainy Days, Boring Errands, Waiting Rooms, Whatever!

While waiting for her sister’s medical appointment, a bored Amelia creates a handwritten book of fifty suggestions for passing the time….

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Amelia’s School Survival Guide

School can be hazardous to your health, but not when you have Amelia’s tips for surviving homework, teachers, and even cafeteria food!…

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Amelia Tells All

Does your handwriting reveal your true personality? What does your messy room say about you? To answer these questions and more, gaze into Amelia’s notebook to discover what the future may hold for you. PLUS: Share the good fortune with your friends — just tear out the fortune-tellers included inside!…

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Amelia’s Family Ties

From School Library Journal:”Amelia and her notebook are back. She has finally written to her father, whom she has never met, and received a reply asking her to come meet him, her stepmother, and her half-brother at their home in Chicago. This is a big step for any child, but Amelia, feisty as ever, takes the plunge. She predictably loves baby George, hates Clara, and is unsure about her father…

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Amelia’s 5th-Grade Notebook

Join Amelia on a year full of fifth-grade adventures, from stealing the show in the Thanksgiving play, to unraveling a Valentine’s mystery, to being a junior bridesmaid!…

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Amelia’s Most Unforgettable Embarrassing Moments

A Note from the Author — Amelia! “I don’t know what’s worse — sharing a dorm with girls I don’t know or sharing one with a girl I know too well — my sister, Cleo. This school trip is a major lesson in embarrassment!” — Me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s Guide to Gossip: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Amelia likes gossip as much as the next person—after all, it’s fun and doesn’t hurt anyone, right? There’s rumor reading, urban legends, and best of all, gossip about teachers! Then when completely untrue gossip starts to travel about Amelia telling on a girl for writing mean emails—gossip isn’t so fun or harmless anymore. How can Amelia stop gossip about her that’s like a piece of gum stuck to her shoe?A…

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Amelia’s Must-Keep Resolutions for the Best Year Ever!

“I really want to celebrate the New Year, so here’s a whole notebook full of New Year ideas. I don’t mean for parties, but for ways to make resolutions that will really stick!” — Me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s Book of Notes & Note Passing

A Note from the Author — Amelia! “Here’s another note in a notebook FULL of notes — good ones, mean ones, ones passed in class, and ones that show you who your true friends are. Trust me, it’s a notable experience.” — me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s Longest, Biggest, Most-Fights-Ever Family Reunion

* A Note from the Author — Amelia! ” When Dad wanted me to come to his BIG family reunion, I couldn’t say no, but for me it wasn’t a party — it was being thrown in with a bunch of complete strangers! It’s hard enough dealing with my sister, Cleo, but getting to know a whole new — and plenty strange — family — OMG!” — me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s 6th Grade Notebook

A Note from the Author — Amelia! “I’m finally in middle school and I thought it would be great, but having a bully for a teacher like Mr. Lambaste is HORRIBLE. I need help — ADVICE — A FRIEND — and I need them all now!” — Me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s 7th-Grade Notebook

* A Note from the Author — Amelia! “Now I’m in 7th grade and things are getting complicated. Should I wear makeup or not? Am I pretty? What does it mean to be a 7th grader? I have lots of questions but no answers.” – Me, Amelia…

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Vote 4 Amelia

From School Library Journal:”Middle-schooler Amelia is running for student-body secretary while her friend Carly runs for president. The campaign is fierce and includes a bathrobe-wearing boy with the big idea to delay the school start time and another who hands out free candy for votes. The race turns ugly near the end, with half-truths and rumors affecting the final outcome. Amelia learns a lesson about how elections are unfortunately sometimes…

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Amelia’s Guide to Babysitting

A note from the Author – Amelia! “When Carly and I decided to start a babysitting business, we thought we were prepared. Then Ruthy and Tyler came along — it was a real adventure in Extreme Babysitting!” — Me, Amelia…

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Amelia’s Itchy-Twitchy, Lovey-Dovey Summer at Camp Mosquito

A Note from the Author — Amelia: There are bad things about camp — slimy showers, lumpy oatmeal, and hordes of mosquitoes. Plus my annoying older sister, Cleo. But there are good things too — s’mores, campfires, the great outdoors, and one really cute guy….

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Amelia’s Summer Survival Guide: Amelia’s Itchy-Twitchy Lovey-Dovey Summer at Camp Mosquito; Amelia’s Longest, Biggest, Most-Fights-Ever Family Reunion

How to survive summer with your family and without them! 2 in 1! Amelia’s itchy-Twitchy, Lovey-Dovey Summer at Camp Mosquito plus Amelia’s Longest Biggest, Most-Fights-Ever, Family Reunon in one book!…

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Amelia’s Science Fair Disaster

A Note from the Author: Group projects are always a challenge. Group projects for the science fair are even worse. And when one of your partners turns out to be someone you really can’t trust, there’s bound to be a major disaster!…

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Amelia’s Back to School Survival Guide

Don’t go back to school without Amelia’s guidance-two favorite titles in one great book!Two popular titles from Marissa Moss’s bestselling Amelia series join together in one fantastic bind-up. In Vote 4 Amelia, a passion for politics turns into a battle for justice when an opponent spreads lies, and it’s up to Amelia to save her friend’s reputation-and the class elections. And in Amelia’s Guide to Babysitting, Amelia and Carly decide…

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Amelia’s Cross-My-Heart, Hope-to-Die Guide to the Real, True You!

A Note from the Author – Amelia! “Have you ever wondered how other people see you? Have you ever been confused about how you see yourself? Then this book is for you – a sure-fire way to discover the one-and-only real, true you!”…

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Amelia’s BFF

Amelia is torn between Nadia, her old BFF and Carly, her new BFF. How do you choose between your two best friends?…

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Amelia’s Boy Survival Guide

Boys enter the picture in this all-new addition to the perennially popular Amelia series.Amelia can’t believe eighth grade is finally here! She knows this will be the most exciting year yet for her and her best friend, Carly. But a lot of the other girls are thinking about one thing, and one thing only: boys. Amelia has never wanted a boyfriend. Crushes are for the silly girls who are always…

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Amelia’s Middle School Survival Guide

Now you can get two books in one — that’s double the fun!…

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Amelia’s Friendship Survival Guide

BFF dilemmas can be tricky, but it’s easy to make friends with these two irresistible Amelia stories, together in one book.Two fantastic tales of friendship from Marissa Moss’s bestselling Amelia series are paired together in this bind-up. In “Amelia’s BFF”, Amelia is excited for Nadia, her BFF from back in California, to meet Carly, her BFF in Oregon. But the two don’t hit it off at all, and Amelia is…

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Amelia’s Middle-School Graduation Yearbook

Amelia is excited to graduate from middle school, but she’s nervous about starting high school, especially when she finds out she won’t have her best friend, Carly, with her. In her graduation yearbook, drawings and “photos” nostalgically recap her earlier years and notebooks as Amelia figures out how to face the changes ahead….

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