Max Disaster

Max Disaster #1: Alien Eraser to the Rescue

Pimply older brothers. Good parents who get into bad fi ghts. Lucky for Max, he has a place to jot down his mixed-up thoughts and brilliant ideas. In a quirky mix of comics, concoctions, and contraptions, Max tells the story of his topsy-turvy life — and how he tries to hold it and himself all Together. Welcome to Max’s secret collection of inventions, comic strips, and random thoughts about school,…

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Max Disaster #2: Alien Eraser Unravels the Mystery of the Pyramids

Did aliens build the pyramids? Will a magic love potion bring Mom and Dad back together? And what do school science, mummified apples, and alien erasers have to do with it? In a second zany, jam-packed graphic novel, Max jots down his worst fears and best brainstorms….

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Max Disaster #3: Alien Eraser Reveals the Secrets of Evolution

Max grapples with the outrageousness of divorced parents beginning to date – and other mysteries of evolution – in his third quirky notebook. Welcome to Max’s book of inventions, experiments, comic strips, and random thoughts about school, the universe, evolution, and parents who definitely don’t act the way parents are supposed to act. Luckily for Max, he has a place to jot down his biggest questions and most amazing discoveries….

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